Thankful for God’s Family…

On Sunday night, we swam through our own parking lot to load vans with supplies and kids. Remember when the heavens opened up, the crazy lightning and thunder around 4pm in Keller? Well, that was our scheduled departure time. Eventually, we arrived to eat and worship with the Rejuvenate community at Meadowbrook UMC. It was neat to see our similarities and worship alongside people so very different from us. We sang songs, read scripture, discussed how we can change the world by making others into disciples. We even played a game of multiplication to see how fast God’s love spreads if we are willing to share it. We shared in communion and two of our own children served the bread and the juice. Though our churches are different and far away, the message both from Pastor Chris this weekend and Pastor Charles at MUMC were the same. The communion table calls us to go out and share the love of Christ. We prayed in small groups with our new friends. We truly are thankful for God’s family in all places and spaces. We certainly experienced Christ’s love through all the people at MUMC being Christ to us through kindness and hospitality.

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