Day Three: Sabbath.

Church was a moving experience for all despite any language barriers. It was communion Sunday so it was neat to be at the table with our brothers and sisters from such different lifestyles. It’s hard not to wonder if this was some of their daily bread. People shared their hymnals and bibles guiding us with fingers cracked from hard work in the beautiful creole language. We were greeted in worship and presented the customary visitor badge stapled to our shirts.

We spent the afternoon lounging at the beach getting to bond with our Lufkin FUMC friends as well as our support for all our trips – Rodny, Patrick and Dena. We rode in Tap Taps on the way there for a more Haitian experience but would have needed around 8 more people in them to be entirely realistic. The pace of life is slow in Haiti. It’s almost kinder to people. The idea of Sabbath rest took on a whole new meaning. But as Keith reminded us last night it’s important to be still and know God is so very good!

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